and I’m here to help you!
I recognize that my website is rather old fashioned…as am I…and admittedly, if you check out my LinkedIn profile at https://www.linkedin.com/in/cynthiajarmour/ my hair is much more grey! Life’s priorities have changed significantly. Since 2019 I’ve had 5 (successful!) surgeries (hence my motto “OHIP, hip, hooray!”) and having joked that I’d perfected frugal isolation long before COVID, quality of life, semi-retirement and keeping on top of projects at my farm “Neverdun” are more important than a new website. I am a frank, transparent “WYSIWYG” kinda person…with a lifetime of research, education and expertise in the nonprofit sector.
I began fundraising in 1962 as an avid 6-year-young “Animal Defender” while my father chaired the Ontario Humane Society board. At 10 I began canvassing for the Canadian Cancer Society, on my pony…I’ve volunteered most of my life! Professionally, I’ve worked for banks, run recreation for Sunnybrook’s veteran patients and helped with the first pet therapy research in Canada before I “fell” into fundraising in the 1980s. After successfully completing two multi-million dollar capital campaigns I studied nonprofit management at York University (Toronto) and then started my consulting practice.
With 34+ years working with boards and chief executives (EDs & CEOs) in governance, strategic planning, succession planning, fund development and communications, I thought I’d seen it all… until COVID-19 and we’re all continuing to be faced with growing challenges. I’ve always worked with grassroots and small charities…that’s where my heart is! I completely understand your budgets are being stretched to new lengths. Let’s talk bottom line and come up with a mutually-agreeable partnership that works for everyone.
I promise I will provide you with affordable, practical answers to your challenges, co-created to suit the needs of your organization and team members! (See my Services and Clients tabs to explore your options and if your issue hasn’t been addressed there…ask me anything…I’m a constantly curious sleuth and if I don’t have an immediate response, I love learning something new!)
When you choose Elderstone Resource Development you can count on:
- Full access to the principal consultant, Cynthia J. Armour, CFRE (Certified FundRaising Executive since 1995)
- Creative, practical solutions steeped in best practices in board governance, strategic planning and fund development
- Cross-sectoral perspective with experience in business, government and 34+ years helping voluntary sector leaders strengthen their cause
- Urban, rural and remote knowledge of the geographic challenges you face
- Value for your investment
- And a comical perspective to help you laugh and learn.
Meet Brock the Bronc! The video below is intended to give you a taste of my humour…and expertise…to say nothing of how to handle an 1800 pound ex-police horse that got fired from the Toronto Mounted Police for bucking officers off! It dates back to my 2017 session at AFP Congress. Brock (now 22) still challenges and inspires me on a daily basis. My job is to provide him with clear direction, training and positive reinforcement to ensure he succeeds…and I can do that with your team too!